After leaving German consulate yesterday we have now made good progress. Its more then 3500 km in 31 hours. It is about 1800 km to the China/Kirgizian boarder left. And we must cross the board just next morning. It means that we are good in time. Team and Tiguan works like a big organism.
Before start we are have a problems with fueling our extra tank because of terrorist fear. Almost all gas stations refused to fuel up our tank.
Straight after Shanghai we had a little traffic jam on the way to our city partner from the Venice Shouzu. But after Hefei the roads being clear.
Tonight we had a good speed and smooth driving but it was heavy rain in the mountains sometimes. A lot of aquaplaning and a bad vision. Locals don’t like driving this weather conditions and make they drive very slow. But we have more experienced drivers in our team and high concentration.
At morning we stopped really close to highway at the most western finish point of the Great Chinese Wall. Perhaps it also was a point on the Marco Polo way cause we are find here one more camels monument.
We are still four in the car and it means that the two people cross all China in 1,5 place at the rear seat. Of course this is not a first class at the intercontinental plane, but it more comfortable then you can image.
Now we are in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomic Region – place with total police control on the road. But we are ready for this and try to take it easy.
Author: Dmitry Makarov