In the morning close to Erzurum we started checking our car and making order inside, before crossing the boarder between Turkey and Iran. So we put all our staff outside the car and were surprised, that we had a lot of free space, we`ve never used before. Volkswagen Tiguan is a really much bigger inside, that it seems to be. After preparations we continued our driving to the boarder, making some spontaneous pictures and videos in the places, where we saw something interesting. One of those interesting places were mountaines not far from the Rasan town. Our Volkswagen Tiguan reached 2210 meters altitude and it was the highest point, we visited during our tour so far. The next our stop was near the mountain aipary, where the locals showed us, how did they get honey. They gave a pot and we tasted it. So sweet! And it would be a real fault not to buy one, so we bought it! Futher we saw on the road a convoy of iranian trucks with Mammut logo – this company is our partner and the new importer of Volkswagen cars in Iran. We made some pictures with truck drivers and continued our way to the boarder. As more as we were approaching it, we saw a fantastic view to the Ararat – one of the most famous and highest mountaines in this region – 5157 meters - the top of it is covered with ice all the year long. So the boarder was quite near – a long queue of trucks indicated, that we will enter another country soon. After formal procedures we entered Iran and we were happy to have a warm welcome from Karman and Sharif from Mammut company. They will be our guides during our staying in this country. It was wonderful to see, that they were driving the same new orange Volkswagen Tiguan. Very nice and modern colour! Another one amazing thing was our meeting on the boarder crossing with Ross and Alissya – a couple from Great Britain, who decided to move from London to Melburne to start a new life. But they have beem moving to Australia… on a bicycles! A really fantastic adventure, full of impressions and challenges. You know, it will take more than 1,5 year for them to reach the final destination and they have already done 1/3 of their route. We invited them for a luch and made a little interview – it was amazing to meet such interesting pepole. It`s something like above and beyond. At sunset we made very beautiful shots of iranian mountain landscapes with our Tiguan, moving on the road. After few hours of driving we came to the Tabriz and stayed in a very nice hotel for the night.
Author: Peter Bakanov