Not wasting time on sleep and rest, we set off at night to cover almost 1,800 km to the former Chinese capital Xian. A night highway means speed. And we will certainly need it to cover such distance. After having a little rest at the road side in the middle of the night, we immediately set off in the morning. No planned stops and tourist activities – never look back. The world record begins soon, and it’s high time we took on the rhythm which is to grow after the start.
The only relaxation is dinner in Nanyang. The service in a simple hotel was good, and we succeeded in solving a number of important organizational issues. Quite satisfied and sated, we decided to spend some time on the local color. Moreover, this region of China differs a lot from what we had seen in the west. A short visit to the market where we tried to talk with teamen and even play cards with them, several photos against the backdrop of the local sights – and we moved forward!
We never stopped enjoying the local color on our way. For instance, the peculiarities of cargo handling and packaging. Our guide Mr. Wang told us that trucks in China had earlier been much longer, but the government introduced some bans and they were shortened. In proof of his words, there was a long empty transporter at the toll gate – the policemen had fined its driver for the trailer sizes.
By the way, as Mr. Wang had promised, there were no extraordinary security measures after departure from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. We were enjoying the absence of police cordons at every step and barbed wire with guards near petrol stations. It became much easier to breathe.
After we had arrived in Xian, there was a crowning moment for our cameraman – we again got a drone for video recording!
Author: Dmitry Makarov